[AMPS] Amateur amps on 11 meters

William Fuqua Wlfuqu00@pop.uky.edu
Tue, 29 Aug 2000 16:52:16 -0400

I feel quite differently about this.
First of all CB'er/Freebanders frequently interfere with ham bands by 
either overdriving their
amplifiers or having parasitic oscillations that drift up and down 10 meters.
If they are with in a mile or so of your station often you have trouble 
with all sorts of
garbage that their gear emmits.
    I once bought a FT707 from a local ham that I thought was a TECH Plus. 
Took it home
and discovered that it was practically useless. The first thing I 
discovered was that the
two of the 10 meter band positions were really 27 to 28 MHz. Secondly, the 
ALC was completely
turned off. You could hear this rig a MHz away. All I had to do is was to 
reset the internal pot to
eliminate the "Splatter".  The power meter was adjusted so that it 
indicated at least twice what
the rig was really putting out, readjusted this as well. And, it some times 
stopped working but
a good slap on the side would get it working again. All was fine after I 
removed the "CB/FREEBAND" crystals
and resoldered a few connections.
    Later I discovered that the ham was only a tech and had been 
freebanding as well. This explained everything.
    Another problem is that often people confuse these Bootleggers with 
hams. That doesn't help our
cause at all.
   Well, I guess I'll stop before I really get carried away.
Bill wa4lav

>Personally I don't like CB operations but I could not care less if a CB'er
>runs 1 kw  as long as he is on 11 mtrs.
>73/Peter SM2CEW
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