[AMPS] AL-1200 Blower
Phil Clements
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 18:48:59 -0600
Subject: Re: [AMPS] AL-1200 Blower
> For normal CW or SSB contesting the stock blower is generally
> fine, if run on the highest speed. Many contesting stations have a
> shack full of unmodified AL-1200's, like KC1XX and others.
> Bottom line is if you want a cool running amp on your desk with
> over 1500 watts of heat to remove, you either have to put up with
> the noise or else run QRP.
> 73, Tom W8JI
1. Buy a pair of aircraft type headphones that reduce ambient noise by
many DB.
2. Build the amp into the wall, or build a box around the amp and vent
it to another room/outside with a big hose. ARRL HQ has a nice row
of Harris S.S. amps lined up behind sliding glass doors. No noise, easily
accessed, no heat, and really classy looking.
A near-legal-limit amp that can be carried under one arm and makes little
noise has had to undergo a series of comprimses during its design period
to allow it to meet even the specs. of normal casual amateur use. As Tom
has stated, you need to add air in nearly every case unless you fall into the
casual operator catagory. Contesting and RTTY, IMO, fall into the "continuous
commercial service" catagory. If you want to hear real blower noise, fire up
a Harris, Henry, Collins, or RF Power Products amp that is rated continuous
duty. It might change one's mind about how noisy a AL-1200 really is!
Phil, K5PC
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