[AMPS] Diodes

measures 2@vc.net
Wed, 23 Feb 2000 08:51:37 -0700

>Rich says:
>>Without equalization,  the 250v reverse surge happily divides unequally. 
>>Approx. 101v is dropped acrosss the 101v diode and approx. 149v is 
>>dropped across the 190v diode.  
>Not if the diode capacities are equal. 

True, however the typical 5ua reverse current ability charges the tiny 
capacitances with aplomb.  

>Two equal diode capacities will
>attempt to split the voltage equally. The  probability is that they aren't
>equal, though. Frequency has nothing to do with it, since voltage division
>across series capacitors is in the ratio of the capacities - even at DC.
€€  to the Crybabies are still awake: -- is this boring or what?  
Remember the good times when you could drop ol' Rich a note to remove you 
from the AMPS-bypass mailer? 

Peter -- hows about trading a few moderately stupid insults to wake 'em 

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