Bill Aycock baycock@HIWAAY.NET
Tue, 27 Jun 2000 14:11:48 -0500

At 02:12 PM 6/27/00 EDT, you wrote:
Dave- I, too, have a real problem, and that is with people who make
assumptions based on hasty reading, then keep on the same wagon.- The guy
(the CBer) GAVE his name-- not just his CB handle, if that is what it was,
He just did not elect to give his call, when the asker did so in a very
rude manner, accompanied by a complaint to Riley.

If he (W0YR, I think) had asked me that way, after accusing me of illegal
activity, with no facts, I would have said the same thing.

I guess giving his name ( He still postson here, with good info) isn't
enough. He has to stand accused of criminal acts, reported to the FCC with
no back-up, and accused of  the use of vulgarity only on the basis of stuff
in someone elses posts.

I was licensed before you and Mike were- That doesnt give me any more
rights to tell the world what to do that it gives you special priviledges.
Check your facts- THEN, if you can back them up, do your yelling.


>I have a REAL problem with people who get on an international list
> and make PROVOCATIVE statements and then say, There is nothing you can do
>me because you don't know who I am and I am not reading any more mail from 
>you. Kiss off.  If a person has the brass to say something, they should be 
>willing to stand up and be recognized.
>Why would a person who has nothing to hide adopt an ANONYMOUS moniker 
>especially associated with CB?  and then take the moronic position that 
>"there is no controlling authority" which requires him to identify himself.  
>This is the modus operandi of a kidnapper.
>Hey, if Mr. Gizmo wants to be know as a CBer, that is certainly his
>Dave, WT8R
>FAQ on WWW:     
>Administrative requests:
Bill Aycock   ---   Persimmon Hill 
 Woodville, Alabama, US 35776
 (in the N.E. corner of the State)
      W4BSG   --   Grid EM64vr

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