[AMPS] Re: Network analysis of suppressors
Fri, 3 Mar 2000 09:16:02 +0100
Jeez, big deal, who built what, I built this and
you built that.
This is like when my almost 5 year old son
is in the sandbox playing with his friends.
However it´s amusing to see how grown up
men behaves
73, keep up the good work, Jim SM2EKM
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: 2@vc.net [SMTP:2@vc.net]
Skickat: den 3 mars 2000 05:37
Till: jono@enteract.com; amps@contesting.com
Ämne: VB: Re: [AMPS] Network analysis of suppressors
>on 3/2/00 9:12 AM, measures at 2@vc.net wrote:
>>> Oh that's, right. You've never built a 28 MHz amplifier. I forgot.
>> You did not forget. The statement is not true. .
>Rich, I've seen it written by you in an e-mail to another member of
the AMPS
>list. He specifically asked you that question, and you replied that
>hadn't built a 28 MHz amplifier. Now you deny it?
Indeed. The 8171 amplifier I built covered the 80m to 15m ham bands.
The 8169 amplifier I built covered 1.8MHz through 29.5MHz.
cheers, Jon
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