[AMPS] Need Documentation on Henry 3K Classic
Wed, 15 Mar 2000 07:59:37 -0700
>In a message dated 3/15/00 2:09:46 AM Eastern Standard Time, 2@vc.net writes:
><< I bought a Henry 3K Classic RF deck recently.
> >Unfortunately, all the parts were in plastic bags,
> >and the chassis was stripped clean.
> >I've just about gotten everything back together,
> >but I need some pix or drawings to see the layout.
> >Also, I need to confirm the actual values of the door knob
> >caps that make up the C1 in the Pi-L network.
> >
> >Don't laugh, guys, this stuff keeps me off the street and
> >out of the pool halls Retirement IS ALL IT IS CRACKED UP TO BE,
> >
> The 2K-4 is essentially the same amplifier as the 3K-A - only with a
> lesser anode supply. I think I have a 2K-4 manual in my file. If u need
> a copy, let me know, Phil.
> later
> - Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
> end
> >>
>FYI, Rich, the 3KA is built around a pair of 3-500Z's, whereas a 3K Classic
>is built around a single 3CX1200A7.
Henry 2K-4. Hello. . .
- Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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