Larry Molitor w7iuv@nis4u.com
Wed, 15 Mar 2000 21:19:50 +0000

Got a bunch of notes saying the newest addition was broke.

It certainly is! I'll have a look at it in the morning.

As an aside:

Some of may have noticed the server un-availability has increased lately. 
The network that I have use of is a developmental system. It is in 
transition from our local control to another groups control. My access may 
be terminated soon. The schedule I have now looks like sometime in the next 
four months the PIX page will have to go away. Is there anyone who has the 
resources who might want to host it after that time? Contact me by private 
email if you have such an interest. I will keep it going as long as 
possible, but I would hate to see it abandoned.


Larry - W7IUV

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