[AMPS] Color in 3-500z (was Rocky Point effects)

Martin Ellis jmellis@ihug.co.nz
Thu, 16 Mar 2000 11:13:17 +1300

At 02:54 PM 3/15/2000 -0500, Tom Rauch wrote:
>If not, and if I was using the tubes, I'd reset the bias until I did see 
>a tinge of red color in some area of the anode or at least 
>periodically intentionally redden the tube anodes to make sure the 
>tubes are gettered.

Good morning,
I agree with Tom.  3-500z tubes have proved reliable for me
in regular amateur service.
But of four spare unused 3-500z tubes, that were on the shelf
for 12 years, only one has proved to be OK.  The other 3
are displaying internal shorts or gas leaks.

So as the doctor says, use it or lose it.

Martin ZL1ANJ

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