[AMPS] Dentron MLA 2500 Amplifier?++

Spencer Petri wa5jci@flash.net
Fri, 17 Mar 2000 14:48:28 -0600

>Awww.. why not.  IMO, to start things off:
>Low$ -- 3-500Z
>All-out  -- 3CX1200
>I've never really understood why the 8877 and 3CX800 are so much more
>popular than the 3CX1200, given its instant-on characteristics and rugged
>grid.  Maybe some amp builders can explain what's off-putting about this
>73, Pete Smith N4ZR

How about some of the big Russian tubes? I've gotten the GS35b delivered to
my door for less than $100. It has a filament warm-up time, but the control
grid is  good for 26 watts and the tube doesn't require a socket. The
filament specs are 12.6 vac at 3 Amps.

Anyone else building with these tubes?

es 73 de Pete WA5JCI

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