[AMPS] Dentron MLA 2500 Amplifier?++

Larry Esau Larry Esau" <leesau@fresno.k12.ca.us
Fri, 17 Mar 2000 14:23:29 -0800

At 03:12 PM 3/17/00 EST, N6BUU@aol.com wrote:
>after reading  AMPS for quite some time, i get the feeling that there is no
>such thing as the perfect tube (valve) for ham legal limit amps. the
>seem to have their
>problems. external anode tubes cost to much, the 811A'S are 60 years old
>what tube in the opinion of this group (ALL THINGS CONSIDERED) is the BEST
>one to use in a ham built or comerical (HF) amp??  i hope i am not creating
>another argument with this question!

IMO the 8877 rules, cheap pulls available, uses standard socket, only have
to keep 1 spare on hand to cover the HF, 50, 144, and 220 amps.

Best regards,

Larry AD6W.

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