[AMPS] Books

Radio WC6W wc6w@juno.com
Sat, 18 Mar 2000 13:11:22 EST

On Fri, 17 Mar 2000 22:32:01 -0800 "Carl Clawson"
<cclawson@transport.com> writes:
>I'm interested in books that will help me learn more about tubes and
>RF applications.
>I've heard mention of a Pappenfus, and would appreciate the title and
>author's full name as I haven't been able to locate that info. I'd also
>to hear of other favorite books, whether out of print or not. I'm
>in both practical design as well as fundamental theory and electron tube
>Thank you
>Carl WS7L

Hi Carl,
  The title you seek is "SIngle Sideband Systems & Circuits", 1964
authored along with Bruene & Schoenike.  There is also a 2nd and a 3rd
edition, the latter I believe is still in print.  Naturally, there is
more about sideband and less about tubes with each new edition.

  Another cute little book, way out of print but great if you can find
it, is "Amateur Single Sideband" by Collins Radio, 1962.

  For general Tube and RF design, an old edition of the Radio's Engineers
Handbook by Terman (editions from the '30's through the '50's) is a must.
  This covers ALL the basics.  The later editions are better... and note
that the early '40's publications delete all references to radar for
wartime secrecy.

  The "Radiotron Designer's Handbook", 4th edition (red cover) from the
'50's covers a lot of area besides RF but, it unfortunately has become
somewhat of a collector's item among the audiophiles; therefore pricey.

  Care & Feeding of Power Gird Tubes by Eimac (later Varian) originally
from the '50's plus later editions covers power tube applications.  

  Some of the middle editions (around the 15th-20th) of the Radio
Handbook by Orr are also interesting reading.

73 & Happy reading!
  Marv  WC6W


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