[AMPS] Swinging Choke Theory

Phil T. (VA3UX) phil@vaxxine.com
Sun, 26 Mar 2000 19:11:39 -0500

I think they were mistaken if they thought they had a "tuned swinging
choke" Phil.  They either had a swinging choke (which isn't tunable),   or
they had a tuned choke which is a single value inductor (not swinging),
tuned by by a parallel capacitor.  When we all hashed the tuned choke idea
here on the reflector back several months ago, I think the consensus was
that a tuned choke wasn't worth the effort and of questionable value for
amateur service amps (because of the intermittent operation).

The swinging choke is still a perfectly good idea and more appropriate for
amateur service specifically due to the intermittent nature of amateur
service.  The only drawback that I can see is the minimum bleeder current
requirement needed to maintain the inductance when the amp isn't in
transmit (ie. drawing full load current).  This can amount to a few hundred
watts of wasted power (and heat to dissipate).

Phil T.

At 04:59 PM 3/26/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>   Someone advertised a power supply for sale the other day featuring a
>"tuned swinging choke." How do you tune a swinging choke? Can  swinging   
>Every time  the subject has come up about swinging chokes, I become more
>confused! I have an 8.4 to 20 Hy @ 1.5 amp CCS choke here that I have been
>using  for a book-end....is there any modern-day use for it?   (((73)))
>Phil, K5PC

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