[AMPS] Why doesn´t it?

Peter Chadwick Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com
Wed, 29 Mar 2000 12:36:11 +0100

Jan says:

>Apparently a QBL 5/3500 in G2DAF config doesn?t splatter,
> this is noticed by more then one person.  

Could it be that run within limits of the licence, the current and voltage
excursions are such that the linearity as a screen modulated amplifier is
more than adequate? Run at 4kW output could be a different matter. After
all, even at 1500 watts out, that tube is being under run.

Incidentally, does anyone have any idea of the relationship (if any) between
occupied bandwidth on voice modulation and the IMD measured in a 2 tone


Peter G3RZP

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