[AMPS] 6m Amplifier (3cx800A7)

w2cqm@juno.com w2cqm@juno.com
Thu, 30 Mar 2000 07:35:55 -0500

SELL: Custom built, commercial aesthetics,  compact 6m 650W amplifier
utilizing an Eimac 3CX800A7 unit packaged in a Dentron MLA2500 enclosure.
All brand new, commercial quality  components except for the Dentron
transformer, capacitor board,antenna relay, and RF sampling board. Unit
has a 3min solid state timer, new meters, (dedicated plate and grid
current and a dual purpose HV/RF output meter Tuned input  and filament
voltage control (exterior access) along with a filament voltage pinout
for monitoring. Loafs at 650-700W output  with 2KV/600ma on the plate,
10ma grid and 20-25watts of drive. Front panel operate/standby switch and
switch for dual purpose HV/Relative output metering. 3 minute time delay
light. All new wiring with zener bias control. Heavy duty diodes. An
excellent Field Day amplifier with high output and small footprint. Loads
smoothly with gradual dips so QSYing is easy. Unit designed from the
beginning as a 6m amplifier and not a quickie retrofit. Operates on
220VAC ONLY. $900+ shipping Ron W2CQM New York City 
see http://homestead.juno.com/w2cqm/files/6mamp2.jpg

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