[AMPS] Is screen potential important?

Peter Chadwick Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com
Thu, 30 Mar 2000 14:14:27 +0100

Rich says

>Not until the screen bypass C becomes sufficiently charged

But if this is 5 time constants, it's still far faster than the rise time of
the envelope.

>In order to achieve linear amplification, current gain must be constant 
>at All signal levels.  

What current gain? As over at least part of the input cycle, there's no
input current, current gain is inapplicable. Do you mean transconductance?
If so, then the parameter of interest is transconductance at each value of
grid and screen grid volts. Which might  explain why some tubes are
apparently good (according to claims) in the DAF circuit and others
noticeably aren't.


Peter G3RZP

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