[AMPS] Is screen potential important?

Peter Chadwick Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com
Fri, 31 Mar 2000 08:02:57 +0100

Rich says;

>For an 8171 operating no lower than 3.5MHz, the screen/cathode >capacitance
is around 0.05uF.  For 1.8MHz, around .iuF

Since when were we talking about 8171s? We have specifically been talking
about the original G2DAF with a total of .007 microfarads. Even with .05
microfard, the tc is only 20 microseconds. Similarly, the 1500 volts doesn't

>The ratio of the current delivered to the 50-ohm load divided by the 
>sinewave current delivered to a resonant 50-ohm input.

How is this different to voltage gain or power gain? If it is isn't, why
specify current gain as a particular parameter?

	>This is true only when the grid circuit is not resonant. 

How do you define resonance here? As the input in the G2DAF is untuned, your
XL = XC isn't applicable.


Peter G3RZP

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