[AMPS] A Question re Power Levels

Wt8r@aol.com Wt8r@aol.com
Sun, 8 Oct 2000 14:36:47 EDT

If I operate my amplifier at it's rated maximum power input of  4 KW (into a 
dummy load), and the (hypothetical values) plate impedance is 2000 ohms and a 
Q of 12.  The tuning capacitance is 45pF and the fixed inductance value for 
that band is 4.5uH.

If I reduce the Ep to 3000 volts and adjust the loading, etc. until the anode 
current gives me a plate impedance, again, of 2000 ohms, will the tune 
capacitor (again) resonate at 45pF?   If the tune capacitor value is 
different, what factors will affect the difference?

Thank you for your input on this subject.

Dave, WT8R

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