[AMPS] MFJ-259B Question

measures 2@vc.net
Thu, 12 Oct 2000 19:31:58 -0700

>Great!  I see that rather than dealing with the factual 
>issue concerning the ethics of marketing a product of 
>dubious value simply because of a market demand you 
>chose to resort to your normal tactics ... (1) ignore the 
>evidence that doesn't support your position (2) change 
>the topic (3) engage in name calling (4) make snide 
>remarks <chortle!>

Snide remarks require a source of high-quality fodder. 
>In case it matters, I have met Tom fewer than half a 
>dozen times ... generally at one hamfest or another ... 
>in 30 plus years as a licensed amateur.  I own only 
>one MJF product (an inexpensive digital clock).  
>As one who was involved behind the scenes several 
>years ago in producing a product for the amateur 
>market, I respect the effort it takes to build and 
>market a product with reasonable quality at a price 
>acceptable to the average (cheap) amateur.  
>Compromises between cost and quality must be made ... 

Leaving out the glitch resistor is hardly good engineering practice - 
even though it saves around $.65. 

>of course you are free to put your MONEY where your 
>MOUTH is and actually market a real amplifier.  If 
>you are right, amateurs will be standing in line for 
>the Measures Amplifier at $4500+ per copy vs. $3000 
>for a similar "inferior" product. 
I toyed with the idea of building 100, 8171 general coverage amplifiers 
based on the Ugly Amplifier design.  Parts would have cost over $4500 per 
unit.  But alas, I am too old and I have high mileage.  
cheers, Joe.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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