[AMPS] Nichrome wire resistance?

Phil Levin W2GE w2ge@home.com
Thu, 19 Oct 2000 22:14:53 -0400

I was able to get a hold of a 29" long piece of "Nichrome ribbon", I am not
sure of it's exact alloy make-up, I was just told its Nichrome.  It measures
3.19 mm (0.126 inches) in width and its .17 mm in thickness (0.005 inches)
as measured on an electronic digital caliper (new toy I just got, thrilled
with it, BTW...forgive me for going OT, Tool Nerd here!)  I'm having trouble
measuring this low of a resistance, does anyone know from a chart what
resistance I should expect from this wire?  I'm looking for approx .24 ohm.
(Jeff M. got an answer for me?)  Thanks all.  Phil W2GE

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