Fw: [AMPS] Amp Explosions

Mark Trotman mark@armscroft.demon.co.uk
Sat, 09 Sep 2000 08:43:55 +0100

jeff millar wrote:
>  If the spider had a significant amount if nichrome in her diet that
> wouldn't
>  have happened.  I've started a company to sell flies of various sizes that
> have
>  been fed a diet of 10 ppm of oxygen free nichrome.   Just let the flies
>  loose in the shack, the spiders eat them and create a lossy network, err
>  web.  I'm working on the modeling software as I type, the biggest problem
> is
>  calibrating my grid dip meter with the special spider measurement coil I
> had
>  to invent...patent pending.
>  jeff

Thanks for the light relief Jim. Nice one!

Vy 73


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