[AMPS] QRO RF remote switches

Chuck Counselman ccc@space.mit.edu
Sat, 9 Sep 2000 19:35:45 -0400

I need to switch, _remotely_, parallel-wire feedlines in a multiband HF
antenna system.  The SWR in these "tuned feeders" is very high on some
bands.  I calculate that I'll be switching up to 20 A and up to 5 kV
(either side to ground; 10 kV line-to-line) of RF at up to 30 MHz.  The
good news is that I won't have to switch "hot," and I don't need high
speed, so big open-frame relays or motor-driven rotary switches would be

Ideally I'd like DP8T (that's two-pole, eight-way) switches, but I could
also use a tree of DPDT switches.  I've searched all the catalogs and web
pages I can find, but can't find suitable switches.

Perhaps one of you big RF amp builders knows of a source?  Thanks.

-Chuck W1HIS

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