[AMPS] Blown TL922A... What to do?

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Sat, 9 Sep 2000 19:57:25 -0400

> I'm not sure that it's worth transatlantic shipping charges to sent a cap
> to me. One of those I have in the box comes out of an old MLA 2500 - I
> guess that's probably reasonably representative. The one I was looking at
> last week was maybe a bit low in value.

I thought you were stateside for some reason. The MLA2500 is 
from the same capacitor manufacturer, but has less C if I'm not 
The best thing to do is measure the actual stock layout of an 
amplifier accused of switch failures from parasitics.

Maybe someone domestically (besides me) can do that. I'd do it, 
but I'm sure accusations would fly. Actually that happened when 
the suppressors were measured. When the conclusion by N7WS 
didn't go the way one person expected he extracted parts of the 
data and changed the conclusions.

The correct unedited conclusions are on N7WS's web page.

73, Tom W8JI

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