[AMPS] original design

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Mon, 11 Sep 2000 08:58:26 -0400

Date sent:      	Mon, 11 Sep 2000 03:03:09 -0500
To:             	amps@contesting.com
From:           	dcckc <dcckc@ncn.net>
Subject:        	[AMPS] original design

> Rich I'm playing the ignorant card here(its easy for me) who designed the
> original AL80 back when Denny Had owned/ran the company. I feel like the
> only person on the reflector that doesn't know. Dave/WB0PKK

A fellow named Bruce Alexander designed the original AL 80.
(Why would Rich know that?)

The original AL-80 (less than 100 units made) was pulled from 
production and major flaws corrected when Prime Instruments 
(where I worked) took over Ameritron as part of a financial 
adjustment with Amp Supply (Prime was the money source. It 
owned the parts and tooling used by Amp Supply for all it's 

When Prime got control of the AL80 it corrected the design faults 
as best as could be done and ran out the sheet metal and 
scrapped the tooling. All original AL-80's were recalled, stripped to 
the sheet metal, and rebuilt for free at Prime's expense.

The AL80A was designed at Prime and replaced the AL80.

73, Tom W8JI

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