Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Tue, 12 Sep 2000 10:52:26 -0400

Hi Chuck,

Most of the problem is stupidity in the part of the user.

> I don't own stock in Henry (and certainly not in Heath) but I'd like to
> hear your and others' opinions about why a person might prefer the 120-lb.
> over the 55-lb. amp.  Speaking for myself, starting in 1955 I've built and
> used many Heathkits, and my Heath SA-2500 automatic antenna tuner is apart
> on my bench at this moment.  IMO, that's the problem with Heathkits --
> you're always having to fix them, because they're just barely able to do
> what they're rated for, and then not for very long before they break. 
> What happens if you run the SB-220 hard for a while?  The Henry?
> -Chuck W1HIS

The SB-220 was designed to run 1 KW dc input, or 2 KW PEP 
SSB input, which is about 600 watts average output power to the 

It never fails to amaze me that people expect an amplifier designed 
to run about 600 watts average output power to last forever when 
used at over twice that rating.

73, Tom W8JI

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