[AMPS] Fw: censorship, bad news time

Will k6ndv@contesting.com
Fri, 15 Sep 2000 17:15:47 -0700

Well time to clarify something.

NOBODY has been deleted from the AMPS reflector!!
Rich is still on the list and he has been on it with the same address for
I don't know who started the rumor but all I tell you that the list
subscribers is the same as I left last night.

But I will repeat again :
OK enough AGAIN !!!!!!!!
Please AMPLIFIER related postings ONLY.
NO more personal attacks or what so ever, same count for CB issue.
I am sure there are plenty of reflectors to vent those issues.
73 Will, K6NDV
Administrator AMPS reflector

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-amps@contesting.com [mailto:owner-amps@contesting.com]On
Behalf Of nospam4me@juno.com
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 5:02 PM
To: amps@contesting.com
Cc: measures@vc.net.com
Subject: [AMPS] Fw: censorship, bad news time

Hello to the gang which also includes Rich.

If Rich is kept off the list, I'll soon be un subscribing myself.  I
don't care
to read a lot of the politics, but I don't want anyone kicked off because

people are too lazy to hit a delete button or they can't take a little

I know Rich has done more for my education than any other
amps member.

This is really a political black eye for the amps list server people. I'm
very proud to be an amps member right now.

I would be willing to host a similar amps list server on one of my
servers if the current status remains.  Looks like the Internet is
turning into a similar group as our local "stuffy old fart repeater"
that three people use.  It's the same reason I installed and operate
all the major repeaters in my area.

The next few days will tell,  this list thins out and I and others move
on or we get  back to the debates and things I don't want to read
are a simple delete key function.

skipp may   wv6f

Will has apparently kicked me off of AMPS because I quoted Tom's
laughable letter calling for ''no personal attacks''.  Several of my
posts are missing.
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Problems:                 owner-amps@contesting.com