[AMPS] Amp using 833A

measures 2@vc.net
Mon, 18 Sep 2000 19:04:25 -0700

>Hi Jeff
>> This is a sad day in amateur radio.  Here we are in a mail list for the
>> high end of the amateur radio building community and we're reluctant to
>> use a tube that requires bias!?  4-1000's look ok when glowing orange but
>> an 833A is gorgeous with that bright red region in the center of the plate
>> (not anode, plate).
>> jeff
>The problem is the tube will have low gain. That's because the gain 
>of a grounded grid PA is related to the ratio of output impedance to 
>input impedance of the tube.
>With it's low-mu construction, the 833 would take a heap of voltage 
>swing on the input meaning driving impedance would be high and 
>gain would be very low.
>It would be OK to grid drive the tube, 

€  Not in linear service, Mr. Rauch.  Medium Mu triodes draw little anode 
current unless the grid is driven way positive- and that means 
distortion.   The only kind of triode that is suitable for grid driven 
linear service is the low Mu variety.  

> but then stability becomes an 
>issue. The IMD also goes up because the heavy negative feedback 
>inherent in cathode driven systems (the output is in series and out-
>of-phase with the input) would disappear.
>The tube could certainly be used, 

Not for linear service.  

>but it wouldn't be a good choice 
>(especially since they have long leads and are prone to self-
>oscillation at upper HF).
smells a bit fishy
cheers, Tom

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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