[AMPS] BC610... no 833's
Wed, 20 Sep 2000 16:18:18 -0700
>> >Wrongo Tom!
>Then Rich wrote:
>> The "expert" gets caught fabricating.
>> Thanks for the real story, Mike
>> >----- Original Message -----
>> >From: Tom Rauch <w8ji@contesting.com>
>> >> As I recall, later BC-610's used 813's modulated by 810's.
>> >>
>> >> Early ones used those old Eimac tubes like 100TL's or
>> >> something.
>Fabricating???? "As I recall.............or something."
>That does not sound like expert information to me,
I have been down this road before.
>but a guess. Seems to be a "push" accusation by you, Rich.
For Tom, the current stumbling block is the gold-sputtered 8877 that was
removed from an AL-1500 amplifier. Idle chatter is way better than
talking about that. Necromancers call it 'misdirection'.
cheers, Jim
- Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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