[AMPS] Amp using 833A

Peter Chadwick Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com
Mon, 25 Sep 2000 13:30:44 +0100

Rich says:

>Broadcast quality amplifiers typically use negative feedback (NFB) to 
>reduce distortion.  

Your statements have always been that Class AB2 grounded cathode produced
unacceptable distortion, with the implication that no circuit techniques exist
to prevent it. Pappenfus et al describe where grid loading can improve IMD. NFB
is valuable in AB1, let alone AB2 grounded cathode. Whether it could make a bad
G2DAF (which is basically a AB2 amp) into a good one is another
matter........generalisations are dangerous. So a grounded cathode AB2 is not
necessarily bad on IMD as you suggest. I suspect that not all G2DAF circuits
have to be bad, but it is possibly easier to get them that way than GG.


Peter G3RZP

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