[AMPS] Kaput 8877 #2

Michael O. Hyder N4NT@chartertn.net
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 11:34:32 -0400

You know, I thought the method of "Science" was to first form an hypothesis
and then conduct experiments to prove or disprove that hypothesis.

Regards, Mike N4NT@chartertn.net

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lamb" <k7fm@teleport.com>
To: "AMPS" <amps@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [AMPS] Kaput 8877 #2

| Rich said:
| > I have located another kaput 8877 from an AL-1500 amplifier.  The kaput
| > tube is currentl;y at a European contest station.  With luck, it should
| > arrive in a few weeks.   I will test the tube and publish the results
| > here.
| Rich, if the person conducting the autopsy already believes he knows the
| cause of death, he will simply use the autopsy to prove or confirm his
| belief.  I cannot give much credence to an autopsy performed by the very
| person who is trying to prove his theory of death.
| A perfect example is the autopsy of JFK.  The autopsy "confirmed" that a
| single bullet changed direction numerous times resulting in damage to
| unrelated areas of the body.  For those who are convinced that more than
| bullet was involved, the autopsy is flawed and proves their theory.  The
| only conclusion of that autopsy was that JFK died of unnatural causes.  At
| least we do know that it was not from a parasitic oscillation - or do we?
| Even Shakespeare knew about the great parasitic debate when the messengers
| Rosenkrantz and Gildenstern were sent to Hamlet to deliver a message.
| Hamlet pointed at some clouds and said they looked like whales.  R & G
| agreed.  Then Hamlet suggested they looked like some other animal, to
| R & G readily agreed.  Finally, Hamlet gave them a secret message to
| to another king - to cut off their heads.  And they merrily rode off into
| the sunset to deliver their message and to receive their special reward.
| (since I read this story about 40 years ago, the spellings may not be
| correct, but the idea remains the same)
| 73,  Colin  K7FM

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