[AMPS] 4-1000A Project

Jon Ogden na9d@mindspring.com
Tue, 03 Apr 2001 17:58:10 -0500

on 4/3/01 2:24 PM, Tom Rauch at w8ji@contesting.com wrote:

>> I used 100 watts (20 meter band) from my ICOM IC761 with the 4-1000A
>> at 3500 volts and my YAESU wattmeter showed 2000 watts PEP.
> Buy a new wattmeter, that reads correctly. Perhaps you have
> accumulated errors, but you certainly do not have the gain at 3500
> volts you think you have. I would say it is off by a factor of two or
> more. I doubt you even have 1000 watts out with 100 watts of drive
> with 3500 volts and a 4-1000A.

Tom is absolutely right here.  There is no way that 100 Watts at 3500 Volts
will give 2000 Watts PEP.  I would believe 2000 Watts PEP INPUT power.  Most
of the old assembly ideas were based on a 3500 Watt plate supply with a 2000
KW input (aka 1KW output).

I disagree with Tom saying the 4-1K is not an impressive tube.  If one likes
the romance of the old firebottles, than this is the tube for you.  I love
mine and I plan on keeping it a long time.  I get VERY good, loud audio
reports from people.  I have been told I have broadcast quality audio many,
many times.  Maybe it's just my rig, but I feel the tube at 6KV provides
little distortion.



Jon Ogden
NA9D (ex: KE9NA)



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