[AMPS] ALPHA 77SX on 50Hz

measures 2@vc.net
Fri, 6 Apr 2001 07:40:15 -0700

>Vic Rosenthal wrote:
>>> ARNE GJERNING wrote:
>>> The other question is the concern of 50Hz vs 60Hz. Any problems here or
>>> precautions needed.
>>I built a 3300v power supply with the intent to use it in a 50 Hz country as
>>well as here in the US.  I asked Peter Dahl about this.  I was told that the
>>magnetizing current in the primary of a large 60 Hz transformer operating on 
>>Hz would be excessive, enough to burn it out.  Much more iron is needed in a 
>>Hz transformer -- the one I finally got weighed 60 pounds (27kg), compared 
>>equivalent 60 Hz only unit weighing 40 pounds (18 kg).
>Interesting figures... so the total weight of the transformer increases
>as something like the square of the core cross-sectional area. Seems
>about right.

€   My TL-922 is designed 50 - 60 Hz.  In my opinion, 50 - 60 Hz 
transformer cores are about 20% heavier than equivalent 60Hz-only cores.  
>And then the capacity of a blower with an AC induction motor DEcreases
>with about the square of the mains frequency.

good point

>It's small wonder that so
>much "50/60Hz" equipment is sweating when operated on 50Hz.

The work-around is to use a DC brushless fan.  
>I wonder how many developers in the 60Hz hemisphere actually have the
>capability to test equipment at significant power on 50Hz?

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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