[AMPS] Triton - Glass tubes ??

measures 2@vc.net
Sun, 29 Apr 2001 07:20:27 -0700

>At 09:21 PM 4/27/01 -0700, measures wrote:
>> >
>> >I have yet to see a good 4PR1000A from Triton.
>>What were some of the problems?
>> >I suggest you get the AMPEREX brand tubes they are still made by
>> >Covimag.
>>The bad news is that Eddie Richard$on is The U. S. distributor of Amperex
>>tubes.  .
>     Gassy..some actually breaks down at 4 or 5 KV and  low emission.

Ouch.  tnx, Bill.  

>    Yes, Richardson is the distributor for Triton, Amperex, and Eimac.
>You can buy from dealers but they have to buy from Richardson at whole sell 
>Covimag (Amperex) and Eimac should reconsider their deal with Richardson.

I heard that the U. S. Justice Dept. was after Eddie Richardson for 
monopolistic business practices due to his shennigan with Varian/Eimac -- 
which is like they later did with 'Dollar Bill' Gates.   


>The Amperex 4-1000A is quite impressive. Large graphite anode. A very 
>strong supporting
>structure for the anode. Other brands have a habit of getting bent out of 
>alignment if the box is dropped.
>  However with a little practice you can bump them back into position.
>     One other thing about the Amperex 4-1000A's. The graphite anodes have 
>a large thermal mass and you should
>leave the blower on the tube for several  minutes after shut down.
>Bill wa4lav
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-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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