[AMPS] Transformer Current ratings

Harry Brown harryhbrown@earthlink.net
Sat, 15 Dec 2001 22:53:15 -0500

The article on switching HV power supplies was in the Feb. 91 issue of QEX. 
It should be available on the QEX CD. The article included a  complete 
schematic, parts list, one photo and several block diagrams. It was written 
by Timothy Hullick, W9QQ. There were some corrections in the August 1991 
issue of QEX.

The power supply listed the following description:

V out = 2000 volts
I out max. = 1.5 amp.
I inrush = less than one amp.
V regulation = less than 100 volts change from no load to full load.
V ripple = less than 2 volts.
Duty cycle = 100 %
Switching frequency = 100 KHz.
Weight = less than 8 pounds.

The AC input was 240 volts ac.

Hope this helps.

73, Harry, W3IIT
   At 07:33 PM 12/15/01 +0000, David Kirkby wrote:

>"Ian White, G3SEK" wrote:
> > >I'd would be _very_ interested in such a design :)
> >
> > Me too!
>There was a design for a high voltage (~ 2 kV) SMPS in an old issue of QEX 
>- the
>ARRL's technical journal. I don't know if it is possible to search (or perhaps
>even find the article online at the ARRL web site). I can't recall the exact
>power level, but it was only a couple of kW or so. This was about 5 or 
>10 years ago.
>I did contemplate trying to design a larger (10 kW) SMPS, but came to the
>conclusion it would be a nice thing to do if my employer was paying for the
>inevitable blown up components. One can't go too far wrong with a simple
>transformer/rectifier, but I think building a switch mode supply is a 
>matter altogether.
>Dr. David Kirkby Ph.D,
>email: drkirkby@ntlworld.com
>former email address: davek@medphys.ucl.ac.uk
>web page: http://www.david-kirkby.co.uk/
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