[AMPS] A novel Variable Inductor.

alex alex@sandlabs.com
Tue, 18 Dec 2001 04:56:03 -0500

As I said before, I needed a variable inductor for one of my projects...
After mach research I had to conclude that there none out there that will
satisfy my quest for perfection :)

What I really needed was one that moved really easy and smooth...

I ended up with a new idea. Perhaps you can use too :) I should patent it :)

The coil is made of heavy gauge (2mm diameter) SPRING WIRE.
The change in inductance is made by compressing or elongating the spring.
No moving parts thru which RF currents are flowing ...

The change in inductance depends of the maximal length of the extended
at which it at minimum. As you compress the spring the inductance is
I have not tried  it on 10m, but up to there it works as a charm.

That's all folks ... Have fun with springs :) A new usage for your Slinky :)


If we can accept the notion that GUNS are
the killers and not the people, why is it that
we can not accept the idea that CARS are
the speeders and not the drivers?

Alex, trying to understand the world around.


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