[AMPS] A novel Variable Inductor.
Arthur Moe
Tue, 18 Dec 2001 00:36:12 +0000
Check the older ARRL hand books this idea was used in a 6 meter
4cx1000 amplifier.
alex wrote:
> As I said before, I needed a variable inductor for one of my projects...
> After mach research I had to conclude that there none out there that will
> satisfy my quest for perfection :)
> What I really needed was one that moved really easy and smooth...
> I ended up with a new idea. Perhaps you can use too :) I should patent it :)
> The coil is made of heavy gauge (2mm diameter) SPRING WIRE.
> The change in inductance is made by compressing or elongating the spring.
> No moving parts thru which RF currents are flowing ...
> The change in inductance depends of the maximal length of the extended
> spring
> at which it at minimum. As you compress the spring the inductance is
> increasing.
> I have not tried it on 10m, but up to there it works as a charm.
> That's all folks ... Have fun with springs :) A new usage for your Slinky :)
> Alex
> ===================================
> If we can accept the notion that GUNS are
> the killers and not the people, why is it that
> we can not accept the idea that CARS are
> the speeders and not the drivers?
> Alex, trying to understand the world around.
> ==================================.
> --
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