[AMPS] M/A Com fets ++

alex alex@sandlabs.com
Sat, 22 Dec 2001 00:28:08 -0500

Moto is very good to us. We cannot complain at all... If we would complain
about somebody this will be Richardson! They have monopolized the RF
distribution market and dictate the prices! They are rude and inconsiderate!
They are on top of our DNT (Do Not Touch) list :)

If the government is warring about Microsoft monopoly they should take a
look to Richardson practices!


If we can accept the notion that GUNS are
the killers and not the people, why is it that
we can not accept the idea that CARS are
the speeders and not the drivers?

Alex, trying to understand the world around.


----- Original Message -----
From: <jstrohm@texas.net>
To: <amps@contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 12:18 PM
Subject: RE: Re: [AMPS] M/A Com fets

> Steve Thompson g8gsq@qsl.net said...
> >>Advanced Power Technology,
> >Yes, I've used them a few times but unfortunately, they don't replace the
> >whole frequency/power/linearity range of the Motorola stuff. In some
> >products, other brands will drop in instead of Motorola, but in others
> >don't. I'm nervous about M/A Com coming up with the goods, especially if
> >there's a long lead time and only then I discover they're not the same as
> >the originals.
> I think Motorola is the world leader in developing insanely great products
and then mortally wounding themselves in the foot with their own marketing
and executive blunders.
> And it was a standing joke in the satellite TV industries in the 1980s and
early 1990s that "M/A Com" was short for "may come on," a reference to the
frequent DOA performance of their in-the-box products.
> Is there somebody in China who can steal some IP and make RF bipolar and
FET power devices?  I'm sure they have plenty of samples for
reverse-engineering by now.
> Jim N6OTQ
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