[AMPS] Tune/load caps
Jim Bryant
Sun, 23 Dec 2001 16:47:05 -0600
Connect a known inductor to the cap, use a dip meter to find the min and max resonances, and from there do the math.
KG6DV@cs.com wrote:
> I have some motor driven air variables from a Kenwood AT-250 that with
> or without padding I intend to use with either an amp or antenna tuner.
> I remember seeing in an old QST or CQ magazine (very old 1970's) a
> formula used to estimate the value (pf) of air variables. Anyone know
> of a way I can approximate the value of these things. I can call
> Kenwood parts, but I would like to know a method of estimating these for
> when I find some off brand surplus or others.
> Thanks
> Ron KH6DV
ET has one helluva sense of humor!
He's always anal-probing right-wing schizos!
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