[AMPS] Alpha 86 PIN Modification?
Thu, 27 Dec 2001 04:54:12 +0000
hi Terry,
There were some threads on that sometime back, but no specific
remedies except that the '86 was just bypassed externally as I remember
My Alpha has had all the latest mods, but the design still isn't
"bullet proof". When I was in NDak recently, I was forced to
operate low power in the ARRL 160 'test, when the '86 tripped out
and destroyed one of the diodes. So now, I too am considering
a system to replace the PIN diodes with a good quality vacuum
relay and proper sequencing system so I can still have full QSK
capabilities. I'll post any developments here.
Alpha had a "good" idea, but the design IMHO was not reliable.
It was OK for the amplifier to "trip out" when the SWR got too high, but
it shouldn't destroy itself in the process!!!
I had asked Alpha for the schematics of the latest mods and was told
that NO schematics were available. Can you imagine making
several new circuit boards and not having any schematics?? BS!!
Charlie, N0TT
On Thu, 27 Dec 2001 09:11:54 -0800 "Terry Gaiser" <w6ru@bak.rr.com>
> Has anybody replaced the PIN diode TR switching in the Alpha 86 with
> relays? I would be very interested in seeing how you did it.
> Thanks Much,
> Terry W6RU
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