[AMPS] current rating
Fri, 28 Dec 2001 09:36:01 -0800
>in the sb200 amps, as well as maybe some others the power transformer has a
>120vac winding. does anyone have a clue as to the current rating of that
>winding??? I have built a fast switching relay setup for my sb200, a la
>Rich's info, but since the original was only used for bias and the ant.relay
>I kind of wonder if it can handle 80-100 ma.. or so!! Any educated guesses
>out there??? thanks!!
// By measuring the resistance of the 80Vrms winding, you can calculate
the approx. current capability with a FWB. With the SB-220, this
winding has 13‡s so it will deliver 200mADC with FWB rectification
instead of the original half-wave rectifier. Another way to tell when a
winding is at safe max current is to measure RMS voltage. When the RMS-v
drops 5% under load, the safe load limit has pretty much been reached.
cheers, Carl
- R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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