[AMPS] sell: Drake L4B Components

w2cqm@juno.com w2cqm@juno.com
Sat, 17 Feb 2001 20:46:10 -0500

SELL: a complete array of components for someone contemplating a homebrew
linear amplifier project based on the Drake L4B amplifier circuitry but
difficulty locating the parts. The majority of the parts were carefully
removed from a 10-80M Drake legal limit L4B that was  subsequently 
for  6meters.  The package consists of:
	1. New Muffin Fan
	2 & 4 Drake plate and antenna tune air variables w/plate tune shaft
	vernier and choke bypass
	3 One piece bandswitch/coil combination ready to drop in. No RF burn
	marks, no cut wires.
	5 Drake plate HV choke and parasitic choke(s) assembly with blocking
	6 Drake pre-tuned fully adjustable tuned input circuit with cog and
	drive hardware for simultaneous input tuning and bandswitching. Complete
	coupling capacitor,and all coax.
	7 New 3 minute 110VAC solid state timer relay
	8 New (3) zener diodes 12VDC@10W
	9 New 3P3T antenna changeover relay for legal limit ++
	10 Pair of 8877 (3CX1500A7) air system sockets with grid to ground tabs

All of the components  have been removed from the Drake intact. There are
no cut wires! Everything will bolt up in its original alignment. The RF
switch looks like new and has no burn marks on any contact.  $285+
shipping Ron W2CQM New York City


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