[AMPS] Re: Choke Isolation Using Coax Cable

measures 2@vc.net
Tue, 9 Jan 2001 07:02:43 -0800

>Fred Says:
> >How much power were you running?
>Rich Says:
>Fred Says:
>strong odor of bologna (same as your comment later). PEP or average? No 
>doubt PEP.
>Fred Says  (repeat):
> >OK. That is what I understood to begin with. However, that does not allow
> >satisfying all load matching conditions with two L-network configurations.
> >
>Rich says:
>strong odor of bologna
>Fred Says:
>Showing your ignorance again. Review material concerning Network 
>Matching.  You will find load impedances that your network can not and will 
>not be able to match.
Please specify one Z that the balanced L-network shown in the 1990 QST 
article can not match.  

> >Rich Says:
> >
> >If a conjugate match were provided, amplifier efficiency would be no more
> >than 50%.
> >
> >Fred Says (repeat):
> >
> >No. That is incorrect and a usual choice by those that don't understand
> >reflection loss/gain and conjugate matching.
>Rich Says:
>Apparently HQ did not understand it either.
>Fred Says:
>Who is HQ?

>The derived equation that follows detailed measurements is found in about 
>every book discussing or including transmission line measurements regarding 
>power delivered to the load. And it follows with detailed and carefully 
>instrumented measurements.
>It is also recognized by the IEEE.  But I suppose you and your 
>contemporaries recognize them and the members as eggheads? <grin>. Continue 
>to live in your world of Fantasy Rich.
>Don't send me any more e-mail  Rich as it is cluttering up my HDD and I 
>will have a filter installed to remove anything and all you send or any 
>other "stranger" may send.

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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