[AMPS] Advice about what linear to buy

measures 2@vc.net
Tue, 9 Jan 2001 07:51:43 -0800

>| Hi Jim,  (FM W8JI)
>| > overhauls. A small amp pushing the limits of its linearity will cause 
>| > TVI and side splatter than a larger one putting out the same power, again
>| > assuming similar operating modes. 
>| TVI has absolutely nothing to do with "headroom" in the PA. It is 
>| entirely a function of the layout and shielding integrity.
>Well, certainly there are many things to do with TVI.  Often many things act 
>in concert, not the least of which could be the TV, or even materials not 
>considered active that just happen to be within the RF field  ......

For me, a major souce of TVI has been rectification at the joints in 
metal rain gutters.  The fix was to solder the joints.   


-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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