[AMPS] More MLA2500 conversion questions

Stephen Goldberg w2imf@worldnet.att.net
Tue, 1 May 2001 17:15:38 -0400


See April 1976 CQ magazine page 31 "A Simple Kilowatt (Idea)" by Bob Baird

He used a 60 watt light bulb in place of the non-inductive resistor and
explains why it works even though the resistance changes as the bulb lights
up with the following reasoning in his exact words:

"At the time the bulb is brightest the load is the lightest (high
resistance) but the amplifier input is in parallel with this and it is
calling for more power.  It is kind of self compensating."

He indicates that scope picture of amp output exactly duplicates driver

I never tried it but it sure sounds good if it works.

Steve W4IMF

----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas Snowden" <Douglas.R.Snowden@noaa.gov>
To: <amps@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 10:36 AM
Subject: [AMPS] More MLA2500 conversion questions

> OK, I am on my way to putting a 4CX800 in my
> MLA2500 (against some advice) and would like to know
> if anyone has played around with putting two
> muffin fans in series to add to the air flow to
> the tube?  Would two of them do the job?  The other
> possibility would be to put a hose on the back and feed
> it with a blower.  I have a blower that might pop
> the tube out of the socket :^).
> Another question is, where can I get non-onductive resitors
> at a decent price?  I guess I need a 50 ohm at around 50w
> for the grid and misc others.
> Doug N4IJ
> --
> Doug Snowden
>        Systems Branch
> National Climatic Data Center
>   Asheville, North Carolina
> --
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