[AMPS] blower
Fri, 4 May 2001 10:54:13 -0700
>> >
>> Thomas -- there are no "gods" on AMPS. However, we have one
>> self-recognized "expert".
>ex·pert (ekspûrt)
> n. 1.A person with a high degree of skill in or knowledge of a certain
>Rich, you keep bringing this up. The fact is that there are a lot of experts
>on this reflector, and even though most of them don't say "I'm an expert"
>they demonstrate their expertise by answering questions, posting pictures of
>amps they've built, and engaging in (sometimes) helpful debate.
€ true enough. However, there are also ad-libbers and fibbers here.
>Based on the
>above definition, you're an expert. Do you deny it? If not, then you're also
>a self-recognized expert.
€ I am not an expert. I know only a little about linear, tube-type
>If you've got the credentials to back it up there's no shame in proclaiming
>yourself an expert.
€ I have seen too many playoff games where the pre-game braggerts wound
up dining on crow sandwiches. To me, bragging is bad form, as well as
being risky.
>I'm an expert in a number of areas, but amps isn't one
>of them. That's why I hang out here.
>Doug, K4DSP
€ The only self-declared "recognized amplifier expert" on AMPS made the
statement on p.72 of the September 1994 *QST*. He also stated that the
resistance of nichrome increases as frequency decreases. (sic)
cheers, Doug
- Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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