[AMPS] blower
Doug Hall
Fri, 4 May 2001 10:17:09 -0400
> >
> Thomas -- there are no "gods" on AMPS. However, we have one
> self-recognized "expert".
ex·pert (ekspûrt)
n. 1.A person with a high degree of skill in or knowledge of a certain
Rich, you keep bringing this up. The fact is that there are a lot of experts
on this reflector, and even though most of them don't say "I'm an expert"
they demonstrate their expertise by answering questions, posting pictures of
amps they've built, and engaging in (sometimes) helpful debate. Based on the
above definition, you're an expert. Do you deny it? If not, then you're also
a self-recognized expert.
If you've got the credentials to back it up there's no shame in proclaiming
yourself an expert. I'm an expert in a number of areas, but amps isn't one
of them. That's why I hang out here.
Doug, K4DSP
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