[AMPS] Regulac schematics or manual

Dick Green dick.green@valley.net
Sun, 6 May 2001 16:07:34 -0400

Hi folks,

I was fortunate enough to pick up a Regulac variable transformer for a great
price at a hamfest this weekend. Does anyone have a schematic and/or manual
for this unit?

A little more detail: It's a variac made by Claude Lyons, LTD in the U.K.
What I got is a large 19" panel on which is mounted the variable transformer
assembly, indicator scale, main knob, a couple of neon lights (labeled
"Mains" and "E.H.T"), an "On" toggle switch, an "On" momentary push-button
switch, an "Off" momentary push-button switch. There's also a lever switch
underneath the panel that activates when the knob is turned full scale,
although it appears that the lever may be out of alignment with the small
shaft that activates it. There's lots of wiring, culminating in a large
bundle of about 12 wires that evidently connected the front panel to input
and output connectors that were either at the back of the original case or
on a 19" rack. Before I go tearing into it with an ohmmeter to devine how it
was originally setup, I'd much prefer to see a schematic, a manual or some
pictures. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks & 73,
Dick WC1M

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