[AMPS] Re: Elec. Motor basics 101????

Jim Reid kh7m@hsa-kauai.net
Sun, 6 May 2001 16:39:27 -1000

47 years ago,  when I was in Engineering school,  we studied
motors of all sorts during the Sophmore year.  Of course,  none
of us were really interested in the "Power Engineering" option set
of courses,  but nonetheless,  if you wanted an engineering BS,
this was required in the EE dept.  However,  there were a few very
elderly,  tenured EE profs who had to teach something;  certainly
not about solid state electronics,  hi!  

Never used  any of it(motor info);  obviously have forgotten all of it,
so can be of no help!

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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