[AMPS] Microwave Ovens

Alek Petkovic vk6apk@eon.net.au
Sun, 13 May 2001 12:52:27 +0800

I just got a catalogue/flyer in the mailbox from a retail chain and in it 
are some Panasonic Microwave ovens.

These ovens are advertised as "Inverter System Inside: True variable output 
power control for even cooking"

Could this mean that they are running switchmode HT supplies in them?

One of the models is a 1200W machine at $399 Aussie dollars ($200 USD)

If they do have a switcher inside, at that price, it could be worthwhile 
buying the oven and taking out the supply for a small amplifier and 
throwing the rest away.
Well, perhaps the platter could be used as a serving dish for snacks at 
parties. Hi hi.

Does anybody know anything about these ovens and their power supplies or am 
I barking up the wrong tree?

73, Alek

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