Fri, 25 May 2001 05:17:49 -0700
>Parasitic Oscillations can occur anywhere, any time, especially when
>the plate voltage rises to significant levels and then the insanity
>and illogical occurrences increase with frequent displays of
>fireworks. There are those that enjoy the arcing ...
€ A crispy-crittered bandswitch is undoubtedly Not a joy - especially
when replacements are no longer being manufactured.
> ... and loud bangs and
>then there are those that dawn their sunglasses and ear protectors and
>care not to see or hear the evidence of instability before us.
€ Denial of reality - the great human malady.
>Some of us just give up solving the wild and insane perturbation and
>merely back off on the C and put in lotsa L gingerly adding very very
>small amounts of C then remembering that precise position where
>stability prevails. I think we all know how to find that spot.
>Geo - W7LFD
€ I have seen and heard about many marginally-stable amplifiers that had
no such sweet spot. In my experiences, decreasing the VHF-Rp of the
parasitic suppressor seems to reduce VHF-gain as well as the number of
cheers, George.
- R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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