[AMPS] Input impedance
Fri, 25 May 2001 07:46:11 -0700
>QST Dec. 1958 pg. 32-35+184 have a rather good theoretical description
>of this topic with some practical examples
>I have this article in photocopy. I could scan it, but I am not sure if the
>quality of the copies is good enough. If someone is interrested, please
>say so and I will try. And if someone could host the copies everyone
>could get access.
>OZ5TG, Verner
€ I am interested, Verner. I can host JPEG and GIF images. This
article was written during the golden years, when *QST* had a Technical
Editor who was extraordinarily knowledgeable - - Mr. George Grammar.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Jon Ogden" <na9d@speakeasy.net>
>To: "Bill Coleman N2BC" <n2bc@stny.rr.com>; <amps@contesting.com>
>Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 6:11 AM
>Subject: Re: [AMPS] Input impedance
>> on 5/24/01 10:28 PM, Bill Coleman N2BC at n2bc@stny.rr.com wrote:
>> > How does one determine / calculate the input impedance in a cathode driven
>> > GG circuit? A pointer to a book / article would be great.
>> I think there is generally a driving impedance specified by the tube data.
>> At least this is where I have gotten mine from. Bill Orr's book has a table
>> of various tubes with the drive impedance specified.
>> In my "limited" experience, I have generally seen this information provided
>> in app notes from the manufacturers. I am sure it can somehow be
>> calculated, but since I've never had to do it, I am not sure how it should
>> be done without sitting down and spending some time on it. Perhaps someone
>> else can answer it better.
>> What tube are you looking for data on? I'll see if it is in any of my
>> books/literature.
>> 73,
>> Jon
>> NA9D
>> -------------------------------------
>> Jon Ogden
>> NA9D (ex: KE9NA)
>> http://www.qsl.net/ke9na
>> "A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
>> --
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